Chery Lou M. Cabanero, RN, MD
Department of Surgery Southern Philippines Medical Center JP Laurel Avenue Bajada Davao City Philippines 8000
Title: Ruptured Coronary Sinus of Valsalva: A Ten Year Report A Retrospective Analysis on the Clinical Profile and Demographic Data of RCSOV in a Tertiary Hospital
Biography: Chery Lou M. Cabanero, RN, MD
Worldwide, only <3% of the general population are diagnosed with the disease. In this ten year report, the authors described thirteen cases of Sinus of Valsalva defects in the first cardiac center in Mindanao. All were Filipinos and came from different regions in Mindanao. There was a bimodal age distribution with a mean age of diagnosis 14.18- 36.74 years old. All patients were presenting with signs and symptoms of heart failure with an ejection fraction of >55%. Preoperative two dimensional echocardiography revealed coexistent cardiac conditions which are ventricular septal defect (25%), aortic (22%), ventricular (22%) and atrial (11%) dilation, pulmonary hypertension (14%) and pericardial effusion (3%). Majority of the cases described had an initial presentation of dyspnea. Signs and symptoms depend on the degree of left to right shunting. In this study, common coexisting cardiac defect were aortic regurgitation and a subpulmonic ventricular septal defect. Sakakiboro and Konno types I and IIIv were noted among the patients in this study, all of them underwent repair under cardiopulmonary bypass. Repairs were done using a Sauvage Patch for RCSOV and VSD while dysfunctional valves were replaced with a mechanical valve. Mean CPB time in this ten year report was 2.58hrs for type I and 2.45hours for type IIIv. When compared both CPB types had a p-value of 0.783 indicating no significant difference between the two types of RCSOV. There were no reported mortalities in this ten year analysis, with a 100% survival rate.